What is this world coming to? | Kim Crabill

Cut Out the Cut-ins Hollywood actress found dead…suicide.

Athlete suspected of homicide.

Father kills wife and two children.

These are all real headlines from last week. We look at this and think, What is this world coming to?  as I was tying up my shoes and preparing for my morning slog (that would be a slow jog!). As normally happens during my runs, my thoughts turned from what is going on in the world to a more introspective topic: what’s going on within me. As I ran, I considered how these headlines had affected my previously exuberant mood. Galatians 5:7 came to my mind. “You were running a good race. Who cut in on you?” This scripture refers to a serious intrusion that prevented the early Galatian Christians from obeying the truth. Paul wasn’t referring to news headlines. But really, am I obeying the truth when I let all that is bad in this world fill my mind?

The verse was more appropriate than I first thought. Intrusions happen. Think about it. What is trying to cut in on you? A gossipy friend, financial worries, too much reality TV? God says we are all running our own race, which means we all have good things to do.

We can get sidelined by distractions. Or we can continue strong. How? By doing all we can where we are—and praying for those things over which we have no influence. What’s the world coming to? I suspect that’s not the real question. Perhaps we should be asking, “What’s my run coming to?” Is it a directionless ramble, easily sidetracked, lacking purpose? Or is it focused, deliberate, and immune to “cut ins”? I choose the second option.

What about you?

Blessings, Kim

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