Thrive With Rob And Jason | Guest Jay Lee

Thrive With Rob And Jason | Guest Jay LeeOn today’s episode of Thrive with Rob and Jason, we had the honor of hosting Jay Lee, affectionately known as “The Sales Ninja.” Jay’s journey is a profound story of transformation, perseverance, and faith, leading him from a reluctant introvert to a world-class high-ticket sales coach. His mission? To help others break the chains of poverty and live a life of abundance, using the same sales strategies that have allowed him to close millions of dollars in deals.

Jay’s path began in Toronto, Canada, where he worked as a banker for one of the country’s largest financial institutions. He played a pivotal role in launching one of the most successful Visa Platinum Reward cards, training thousands of employees and overseeing complex process flows. However, despite his success in the corporate world, Jay felt a divine calling that led him to pursue a Master’s Degree in Divinity from Tyndale Seminary, the largest theological school in Canada.

For the next 15 years, Jay served as a missionary evangelist and pastor. During this time, he spoke to over 41,000 people, coached 5,000 leaders and students, and witnessed over 10,000 people come to faith in Jesus. But life as a missionary was not without its challenges. Jay often struggled financially, down to just $1,000 a month, trying to support his family. This financial hardship ignited a fire within Jay to find a way to break free from the chains of poverty and help others do the same.

Jay’s journey into sales was not an easy one. Initially, he struggled with traditional sales tactics—cold pitching, using pushy scripts, and employing fear-based closing techniques. But over time, through prayer, persistence, and countless hours of study, Jay developed a unique and highly effective sales methodology: the Reverse G.L.A.S.S. Selling Method. This 5-step framework has been the key to his remarkable success, allowing him to achieve close rates as high as 81% and cash collected rates of 96% for consecutive months.

In our conversation, Jay shared the personal struggles that fueled his determination to succeed. He recalled the embarrassment of having his card declined at the grocery store and the shame that came with not being able to provide for his family. These experiences drove Jay to make a vow: if God ever gave him the ability to create wealth, he would use it to break generational poverty and help others do the same. And that’s exactly what he’s done.

Jay’s sales achievements are nothing short of extraordinary. He’s helped companies grow from $0 to $16M in just 29 months, from $0 to $3M in 24 months, and from $100k per month to over $1M per month. He’s also managed to increase ticket prices by over 4,900% and has closed high-ticket offers of $15k, $36k, and $50k in less than an hour. In just 90 days, Jay closed over $1M—part-time.

But Jay’s story isn’t just about numbers; it’s about using his gifts for a higher purpose. His mission is to empower others to achieve financial freedom, spend more time with their families, and give back to their communities. He’s passionate about using his sales skills to advance God’s Kingdom and break the cycle of poverty, not just for himself, but for everyone he teaches.

Jay’s unique blend of faith and sales expertise has earned him the nickname “The Sales Ninja,” a title that reflects his ability to close deals with precision and integrity. He believes that sales without faith is dead, and his life is a testament to the power of combining the two.

For those looking to transform their sales approach and achieve extraordinary results, Jay Lee’s Reverse G.L.A.S.S. Selling Method offers a proven path to success. Whether you’re struggling to close deals or looking to scale your business to new heights, Jay’s approach can help you achieve your goals without compromising your values.

We encourage you to visit to learn more about Jay’s methods and see how they can change your life. Jay’s story is proof that with the right mindset, dedication, and a little bit of ninja-like precision, anyone can achieve financial freedom and make a lasting impact on the world.

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