The Presidential Prayer Team Launches Nationwide Prayer Campaign in Support of National Day of Prayer

SCOTTSDALE, Az.,  — The Presidential Prayer Team, the national, nonpartisan prayer ministry for America and its leaders today announced the upcoming launch of a nationwide prayer campaign in support of the National Day of Prayer. This prayer campaign is part of an ongoing mission to encourage Americans to pray for the leadership of The United States of America.

Featured campaign components for the National Day of Prayer are all free and include a dedicated web portal with online prayer rooms. Visitors will be able to pray individually and join in group prayers.  An interactive prayer list of the president and his Cabinet, as well as a 10-minute audio prayer guide, will be available. These resources may be accessed starting April 29 at www.Pray.Team.

The Presidential Prayer Team was recognized nationally by the National Religious Broadcasters for last year’s multimedia prayer campaign supporting the National Day of Prayer. The ministry looks to continue the forward momentum this year. James Bolthouse, President of The Presidential Prayer Team, said, “We are excited and truly blessed to once again be a vital part of the National Day of Prayer. As the nation recovers from a year of isolation, we’re excited to offer free tools and resources that offer an opportunity for people to connect while uniting in prayer for our country.”

The National Day of Prayer occurs on Thursday, May 6, 2021. Mr. Bolthouse is available for radio, television or press interviews.

Abundant TV

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