“Everything that happens in this world happens at the time God chooses” (Ecclesiastes 3:1,

Moments move, and time waits for no one. Time is always moving forward and is the most
precious commodity entrusted to us. Once time has passed … once the moment is gone… we
cannot get it back.

The time we have should be treasured and never be overlooked, misused, or misspent. When it
comes to moments, we will either miss them, or we will maximize them, but what we must
recognize and know is that in every moment, there is enormous potential. Moments have the
possibility to change your destiny.

The thing about moments is they are small enough to be ignored, overlooked, and even cast
aside, and at the same time moments are big enough to change the course and destiny of our
life forever. When we truly learn to value and cherish time, something snaps on the inside, and
we become more aware of how we are spending the moments God gives us.

So many times, we miss the moment … miss the change of seasons … that is at hand because
we are stuck in the moment that is behind us. For us to embrace the moment that IS coming our
way, we must be willing to LET GO of what was. You must be willing to let go of what was so
you can grab hold of what is.

Season changes are critical, but they are also costly. Throughout my life, I have seen firsthand
just how costly a change of season can be, because people misunderstand and misjudge you
when you begin making life changes. They are looking at your world through their eyes and not
through your eyes; you are allowing your life to be led by the leadership of the Holy Spirit. Many
cannot handle this, so they immediately begin to judge and criticize.

This is when we must make a tough decision … are we going to give in to their tactics or are we
going after everything God has for us, no matter who it identifies us with, or who it separates us
from. I am determined, more than ever, that I am going to fulfill my life calling and reach my
potential, period, and I want to take you with me. We are better together. We are stronger

My husband and I love to watch movies with horses. One thing I have noticed watching these
movies is that when the rider begins to slowly pull back on the reins of the horse, the horse
stops. Compare that to seasons in our lives … seasons where we have released the reins of our
life to others. Seasons where we gave up our calling. Our freedoms. Our liberties. Our dreams.
Our desires.

We need to make up our minds that we are taking back the reins of our lives. No longer are we
going to allow people and their opinions to reign over us. The Word of God is very clear in
Jeremiah 29:11 what He has for us as His children. It says, “I alone know the plans I have for
you, plans to bring you prosperity and not disaster, plans to bring about the future you hope for.”

Dee Barker

Abundant TV