Psalms 46:10
By Kristen Stanton Patz

Sometimes things get so busy that you just forget to stop. You forget to listen. And in the process you miss something important. I tell my clients things and if it’s important enough I even write it down for them. Some listen… Some don’t… And they don’t even take the time to read the important things I have said! It’s for their benefit… Not mine!
God has given us His word that is for our benefit. Sometimes He speaks to us and we don’t hear because we don’t know how to listen. We need to stop. We need to focus. We need to be still.
We also need to know that the He is God… The writer of the Word, the Creator, the King. He’s in control… Nobody else. So impress in your heart WHO God is so that it becomes a knowing.
God WILL be exalted … Regardless of your situation! He will be exalted because of your situation… Remember HE IS GOD! And God always has a plan! If you’re reading this, God has a plan for YOU… Special and unique because of who He created you to be. Be STILL and KNOW He is God… Have peace and just watch what God can do!