Proverbs 3:5-6

By Kristen Stanton
Proverbs 3:5-6
TRUST –follow blindly without question — IN THE LORD — not friends, family, church, your own instincts, your gut, your analysis — WITH ALL — not some — YOUR HEART — not your mind because your mind is Satan’s battlefield. He will twist things to make you think you are making the right decision but in reality you are not… so trust with your HEART — AND LEAN NOT ON YOUR OWN UNDERSTANDING–don’t depend on the things that you think, your perception, or what you have analyzed the situation to be. But IN ALL YOUR WAYS — your paths, your directions, in all you do — ACKNOWLEDGE –recognize, admit or accept the existence of — HIM (God) — AND HE — God, not you — WILL — mandatory, God has obligated Himself to do this — DIRECT YOUR PATH.

Make sure you are following after God and making decisions based upon what God has said and not what you believe. Satan will rise and play mind games with you to make your perception tainted. Quit trusting your brain and your training and experience. Trust God. And trust Him with every decision in your life and with every bit of your heart.

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