“Summing it all up, friends, I’d say you’ll do best by filling your minds and meditating on

things true, noble, reputable, authentic, compelling, gracious – the best, not the worst;

the beautiful, not the ugly; things to praise, not things to curse. Put into practice what

you learned from me, what you heard and saw and realized. Do that, and God, who makes

everything work together, will work you into His most excellent harmonies” (Philippians

4:8-9, MSG).


It is impossible to live in freedom if we live in a state where we consistently allow toxic thoughts

and mindsets to monopolize our thinking. God has given us His Word to battle these thoughts

because we gain strength and confidence through His truth. This is not something in which we

can have a lackadaisical attitude. No, we need to be armed and prepared, with the Word, before

we are hit with the toxic thoughts.


Think about it, soldiers don’t go looking for their weapons after they hear bullets flying. They are

armed and prepared ahead of time; actually, they are always prepared.

I want to challenge you to put your mind to the test and intentionally choose to capture toxic

thoughts instead of entertaining them. Seize those negative emotions and replace them with the

truth of God’s Word. The enemy desires to hold you hostage by his lies, but God has given you

His Word to set you free and to empower you to walk in boldness and confidence that “greater is

He that lives in you than he that is in the world” (1 John 4:4).

Have you ever noticed the more you practice doing something, the more it becomes second

nature to you? The same is true with fixing our thoughts on Christ and living our lives to please

and honor the audience of One. The more we make this our lifestyle, the need for having to test

and take our thoughts captive decreases.


It’s said that if you do something repetitively for 21 days, it will become a habit. I want to

challenge you to write down a toxic thought that continues to play over in your mind. Then find a

scripture that combats that thought and for the next 21 days continue to declare the truth of

God’s Word over that contaminated thought until the lie no longer overpowers you because you

have overcome the lie with TRUTH!


I am eternally grateful the Lord gives us every tool needed to overcome, and take hostage, toxic

thoughts in our lives. He is our Strong Tower and Confidence, and He loves us and has given us

His Word that trumps every lie of the enemy. He clears our minds and brings rest to our hearts.

He gives us the strength to stay armed and prepared ahead of the battle and determined to

keep His Word tucked deep in our hearts to combat every attack.

The Holy Spirit is assuring you right now that you are stronger than you think you are, and you

can do all things through Jesus Christ.


Dee Barker


Abundant TV