New Life Church – Give Grace Live Love

Kristina CornellI am honored to invite you all to share in this special day, ladies! Let us come together and celebrate the laughter and tears that make life so precious, and the divine grace of God that guides us through it all. We will leave inspired and uplifted, with a renewed sense of purpose and gratitude for the journey ahead!
#givegrace #livelove #gratefulthankfulblessed #overcomingobstacles #testify

Info on Kristina Cornell
Kristina Cornell has a story to tell. Being raised in a family who traveled in evangelistic ministry,
she was traveling in full time ministry by the age of 14.
Moving to Nashville, Tennessee in her early 20’s, Kristina signed a publishing deal, an acting
contract, and an international record deal. Over the years, she has enjoyed the successes of
her works including being nominated for a Grammy, singing at the Dove Awards and the CMA
Awards, walking the orange carpet of the ACM’s, landing a top 40 country music song, writing
an ABC series theme song, being nominated for video of the year, and acting in several country
music videos and national commercials. She has written for numerous publications, hosted her
own radio show, performed on countless television programs, and has grown her marketing
business for the past 16 years.
However, when asked “What is your greatest accomplishment?” Kristina quickly responds that
her greatest treasure was having her daughter, Isabella, and enjoying watching her grow into
an amazing young lady. She continues, “Isabella makes me proud on every single level! Her
work ethic is unmatched and her ridiculous amount of talent supercedes all I could ever hope
to be! I am truly a fan of my daughter, her music, and her warrior spirit!”
Regardless of any amount of accomplishments, Kristina’s heart’s desire is for everyone to see
what Jesus Christ has done in her life. Through horrible tragedies, amazing victories, she will
echo the words of Paul in Philippians 4:12-13 “I know how to be abased, and I know how to
abound. Everywhere and in all things I have learned both to be full and to be hungry, both to
abound and suffer need.” v13 “I can do ALL things though Christ which strengthens me.”

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