Dee Barker


“I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief” (Mark 9:24).

Do you ever find yourself asking how in the world you can challenge
negative thoughts when it seems your mind goes straight to doubting?
Mark 9:14-29 answers that question for us. We find a father that is
desperate for Jesus to deliver his possessed son. He had tried taking his
son to the disciples, but they didn’t have the faith to cast out the spirit.
In verse 22, the father says to Jesus, “If You can do anything, take pity on
us and help us.” The father had just witnessed the disciples weren’t able to
help him, so now unbelief has settled in his heart as to whether Jesus can
help his son. Now think about it, I think if this had been us in that situation,
we would have been just like this father.

You may be going through a situation right now, and in the natural you
have all the evidence needed to validate your doubt and negative thoughts.
HOWEVER, what we find happened next in scripture gives us new
evidence on how to challenge a negative mindset.
In verse 24 the father says, “I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief.”
The father is asking for help with his doubt; in other words, he is asking that
new evidence be presented. He wasn’t being disrespectful of Jesus and
asking Him to prove Himself. Rather, he was asking for his mind to be
renewed. He said, “help me overcome my unbelief.”
Through the process of asking for new evidence, don’t allow the enemy to
place guilt and condemnation on you for doubting. God understands how
we are wired; He made us the way we are. So boldly go before the throne
and ask for all the new evidence you need to be presented to bring a
release and freedom over you.

Matthew 7:7 says, “ask and it will be given to you …” Set some time aside
and get brutally honest with the Lord. Ask Him to give you the evidence that
your mind needs to empower you to keep doubt out of your mind’s reach.
When He presents you with the new evidence, your mind will be renewed,
and the stronghold broken.

PRAYER: Father, thank You for loving us despite our times of unbelief. You
know what we need to move from a stance of unbelief; all You ask is that
we admit our need for new evidence and ask You. Thank You for hearing
and answering our prayer to help us starve our doubts and to feed our faith.

Dee Barker

Abundant TV