My Faith Votes launches ‘Write Now’ postcard and letter-writing campaign ahead of midterm elections

DALLAS — My Faith Votes, a nonpartisan organization that mobilizes people of faith to vote in every election, has launched “Write Now” a campaign to send handwritten letters and postcards to Christian voters encouraging them to participate in the 2022 midterm elections.


My Faith Votes executed multiple Get Out the Vote campaigns at the state level in Virginia in 2021 and saw tremendous success–an unprecedented 57% increase in voter turnout. During the Senate runoff election in Georgia, My Faith Votes planned to send 500,000 postcards, but that number doubled to 1 million due to the overwhelming response from volunteers.

Every election cycle, many Christians across America believe their vote won’t make a difference. In their frustration, millions choose to sit on the sidelines. This election season, My Faith Votes wants to see those Christians at the polls.


“The 2022 midterm elections have the potential to change the trajectory of the U.S. If the people of God don’t stand for His principles, who will?” asks Jason Yates, CEO of My Faith Votes. “Our previous efforts have motivated hundreds of thousands of Christians to bring the influence of their faith into the voting booth. We pray and we trust that God will continue to bless our efforts so that Godly values return to the heart of America.”


Thousands of My Faith Votes volunteer Action Partners will handwrite messages on the postcards and letters and pray for the recipients before dropping them in the mail.


Volunteers will be walked through the entire process and provided with instructions, letter templates, postcards, and lists of names. Letters and postcards can be written individually or by families, Bible studies, small groups and church congregations.


“Our Action Partners long to see our nation stand for Godly values. They pray our children and grandchildren will enjoy the freedoms we have today,” said Yates. “They are putting their faith into action because they know what’s at stake in the 2022 midterm election cycle.”


Learn more about the Write Now campaign at

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