Ministry Leaders Unite on Fulfilling the Great Commission by 2033

Dr. Billy Wilson and Dr. Rick Warren Hold ‘2033 Leaders Consultation’
NEW YORK, — More than two dozen ministry leaders of significant global networks convened Dec. 5-6 in New York City to combine their experience and insights toward the goal of Great Commission fulfillment within the next decade.

Hosted by Dr. Billy Wilson, Oral Roberts University President, Pentecostal World Fellowship Chair and Empowered21 Global Chair, and Dr. Rick Warren, Executive Director of Finishing the Task and Founding Pastor of Saddleback Church, the event brought the leaders representing significant denominations, para-church networks and evangelistic ministries from around the world together for prayer, connection and collaboration.

“I believe we are entering the most important decade of Great Commission effort in the history of the church,” shared Dr. Wilson. “Numerous 2033 initiatives were represented in this consultation and it was a joy to witness our shared passion and unity across the diversity of the body of Christ. The next decade is going to be amazing as we push together toward providing everyone on planet earth the opportunity to know Jesus as their savior.”

The two-day meeting ended with the development of a commitment document agreeing to significant efforts over the next decade, including collaborating with one another, praying for the salvation of others, mobilizing followers of Jesus to join in the efforts, investing increased resources for evangelism and going with the good news to the ends of the earth.

“In our polarized world, it’s easy to erect walls and go it alone with just your own tribe,” noted Warren. “It takes courage to build bridges to others who love Jesus but don’t believe or practice the faith in the same way you do. On Dec. 5, as I listened and watched a small group of 24 influential Christian leaders, representing a wide spectrum of the Body of Christ, step out of their comfort zones in order to begin collaborating to complete the Great Commission, I sensed that God was smiling from Heaven. He had found a group of people willing to be an answer to Jesus’ prayer for the unity of His church that He prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane the night before He was crucified.”

The group plans to convene again at Amsterdam2023, a three-day conference and one-day stadium event hosted by Empowered21 on June 21-24, 2023 at Amsterdam RAI & Olympic Stadium. The international event will feature influential leaders and powerful speakers to launch a decade of unprecedented evangelism to get the gospel to every person on earth by 2033. For more information, visit

Represented Organizations

The following organizations and ministries were represented at the Dec. 5-6 event:

Brian Alarid, America Prays & World Prays

Doug Beacham, International Pentecostal Holiness Church

Keith Boyette, Global Methodist Church

Henry Cappello, Global 2033

Samuel Chiang, World Evangelical Alliance

Doug Clay, Assemblies of God

Dick Eastman, Every Home for Christ

Oliver Fleury, Jesus Celebration 2033

Mart Green, Hobby Lobby

Bobby Gruenewald, YouVersion

Tim Harlow, National Association of Christian Churches

Alan Hawkins, Anglican Church in North America

Rob Hoskins, OneHope

James Hwang, Billion Soul Harvest

Young Cho, Billion Soul Harvest

Everton Jackson, Baptist World Alliance

Werner Nachtigal, GO Movement

Michael Oh, Lausanne Movement

Nick Perryman, Alpha

Thomas Schirrmacher, World Evangelical Alliance

Rick Warren, Finishing the Task

David Wells, Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada

Michael White, Rebuilt Parish / Church of the Nativity

Billy Wilson, ORU and Empowered21

Caleb Wehrli, Empowered21

Ashley Wilson, Empowered21
Participating Leader Quotes

“After our meeting, the World Evangelical Alliance is even more committed to ‘2033.’ It was a great meeting of collaboration, planning and global leaders becoming friends for the gospel’s sake.” — Thomas Schirrmacher, Secretary General, World Evangelical Alliance

“The rising global generation is perhaps the most cause-oriented generation in the history of the world. This call and clear statement from the leadership of the global Church to reach everyone in the world with the love, truth and power of Jesus is going to be incredibly appealing for a decade of unprecedented evangelism.” — Rob Hoskins, President, OneHope

“It’s inspiring and exciting to be part of a coalition across global Christianity focusing on global evangelism by the year 2033. The spirit of prayer and unity is palpable.” — Doug Beacham, Superintendent, International Pentecostal Holiness Church

“I was inspired and envisioned by the unity amongst all Christian leaders and the commitment to engage and collaborate to finish the task of the Great Commission. This is the beginning of a new era, with an incredible momentum, through which every person can be reached with the Gospel message.” — Henry Cappello, International Director, Global 2033

“Imagine that we live in a time when it is possible to reach the whole world with the Gospel. We’re excited to call the Church to join us for this incredible decade of evangelism.” — Werner Nachtigal, Founder, GO Movement

“What an amazing privilege to meet with global leaders passionate about accelerating the fulfillment of the Great Commission. We have a unique opportunity to unite across the Christian church to ensure that every person hears and has an opportunity to hear and respond to the Gospel of Jesus Christ.” — Keith Boyette, Connectional Officer, Global Methodist Church

“What a historic meeting of like-minded Global leaders gathered around Jesus for the biggest push ever for the Great Commission. The Ecclesia has the best Good News ever told. And this broken world desperately needs hope at a geo-politic level and transformation at a personal level. A powerful united Global Momentum has begun.” — Olivier Fleury, Founder and President, JC2033

“The call towards collaboration of the body of Christ to reach 8 billion is an exciting and encouraging opportunity for the Global Church. This is a crucial, historic, unprecedented work of God.” — Bishop Alan Hawkins, Chief Operating Officer, The Anglican Church in North America.

About Empowered21
Empowered21 is a global Spirit-filled movement working to connect the generations for blessing, impartation and a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit in the 21st century. Its U.S. office is on the campus of Oral Roberts University, of which Empowered21 Global Chair Dr. Billy Wilson is president. To learn more, visit

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