Psalm 52:1b
Listening to someone this week talk about the “inherent goodness of God”, my mind kept coming back to that word… “inherent.” I thought had a pretty good grasp of its meaning but I wanted to see the official definition. I wasn’t disappointed.
1. existing in something as a permanent, essential, or characteristic attribute.
The inherent goodness of God. A permanent and essential attribute. The absolute character of God.
For those of us in church circles, we hear the phrase “God is good” a lot. We probably even say it ourselves, but the question is…
Do we really believe what we’re saying?
Do we believe it when we look around and struggle to find the positives? Do we believe it when we’re tired, discouraged, FEARFUL and the future looks like only more of the same? Money is tight, your marriage is in trouble, loved ones are sick or death strikes someone close. Is God still good?
The Bible gives a resounding “yes!” And not only does it say He is good, it says His goodness endures continually! It’s an ongoing process. His goodness never ceases. He is just as good in your lowest, darkest valley as He is during your mountaintop experiences. In fact, He’s promised to be even closer and walk you through.
Life has no absolutes, no guarantees. We are born, and if Jesus tarries, we will die. In between those unavoidable dates lie our opportunities.
Opportunities to become bitter, or to become better. The way we view the goodness of God is key.
If we truly believe goodness is the absolute character of God, we know everything that happens in our lives happens because He loves us and as hard as some things may be, there are lessons to be learned and paths to walk. Not all pleasant, but for our ultimate gain. God’s goal is not to make us “happy”… His goal is to make us more like Christ. Refining us, through fire and flood. Creating vessels fit for the Master’s use.
So I challenge everyone! Let’s go into this brand new week with the assurance that the God we serve IS GOOD… believing that He is willing and able to give good things to His children when we ask according to His will… but most of all, believing with our whole hearts that His inherent goodness “endureth continually!”
What a promise to lean on!