Holiness of God-Instituted Marriage Is at Core of One of Eight Timothy Plan Biblical Filters

ORLANDO, Fla.—A recent study has found that a third of young Americans are putting off marriage until their student loans are paid off, reports Fox News citing LendKey Technologies research.

Besides financial decisions like these, and the money-related and faith-focused decisions that go into marriage at any age, Timothy Plan’s biblically responsible family of mutual funds and ETFs helps the faithful know exactly how their money is being invested.

Marriage/lifestyle makes up one of eight Timothy Plan biblical filters, which consist of five cultural filters and three social filters with multiple subcategories. Companies with one or more violations are removed as an investment option.

Through its unique biblical filtering process, Timothy Plan informs Christian investors whether their God-given resources are being invested in companies that have agendas contrary to the teachings of Scripture or that are actively participating in activities that may prove destructive to communities-at-large.

“Marriage is holy—instituted by God,” said Timothy Plan founder Art Ally. “Our filters recognize companies that affirm the marriage covenant, a sacred bond between a man and a woman instituted by and publicly entered into before God. Conversely, our filter also calls attention to companies that do not uphold biblical marriage as a pillar of society. Christians should be able to make an informed decision about where their God-given resources are being invested.”

In 1994, Ally pioneered the first pro-life, pro-family filtering standard. Timothy Plan’s commitment is first to the Lord, and it will not invest a single penny into any company violating their filters, which were created based on the following core beliefs:

We believe our bodies and the lives we lead are gifts from our Creator. A healthy biblical lifestyle is a life free from addiction, participation in activities posing potential harm to ourselves or others, and sexual impropriety. Alternatively, a healthy biblical lifestyle protects the sanctity of marriage and sexuality, promotes care of our bodies, assists those who struggle with substance abuse, and strives to promote justice and equality for our most vulnerable.

We understand the filters we choose to focus on may not appeal to everyone. And some may even find them controversial. All of our filters are based on how Scripture instructs us to live. Our purpose is not to judge the person, but to avoid the actions that cause His people to stumble. Our hope is that no matter your views, one can respect our desire to please the Lord in all we do and say.

An intricate filtering process provided by eVALUEator Services LLC has been an essential tool to ensure Timothy Plan funds remain biblically responsible. eVALUEator imports information from numerous sources of market data and continuously cross checks the holdings against available research. Other investment firms, as well as several foundations, also use eVALUEator to help filter their investments.


Additional Timothy Plan filters include: life/abortion, purity/pornography, family/entertainment, liberty/rights, stewardship/gambling, longevity/tobacco and sobriety/alcohol.


Regarding the marriage filter, Timothy Plan also points to the regular Weekend to Remember marriage retreats hosted by FamilyLife. These weekend gatherings in 93 locations across the U.S. have been attended by over 1.5 million couples, as they seek to grow together through every age and stage of life. According to FamilyLife, “the happiest couples are those who commit to learning skills that help them weather difficult seasons and deal confidently with relationship challenges.” Learn more here.


Since 1994, Timothy Plan has existed to help advisers and investors achieve their financial goals through a pro-life, pro-family approach to investing—not only to benefit the investor but the broader culture. Timothy Plan is firmly committed to running a mutual fund company with the integrity, excellence, and wisdom that brings honor and glory to our Lord Jesus and is a beacon for Godly stewardship in the financial community.


The first of its kind, Timothy Plan is a family of mutual funds and ETFs that filters its funds to ensure that no money is invested in companies that support ideals contrary to their biblical, moral imperative. In 2019, Timothy Plan celebrated 25 years as founders of helping Christians achieve their financial goals while investing in a biblically and morally responsible manner.


Before investing, carefully consider the fund’s investment objectives, risks, charges, and expenses of the investment company. This and other important information can be found in the fund’s prospectus. To obtain a copy, visit timothyplan.com or call 800.846.7526. Read each prospectus carefully before investing.

Mutual funds distributed by Timothy Partners, Ltd., member FINRA. ETFs distributed by Foreside Fund Services, LLC, MEMBER FINRA. Timothy Partners, Ltd. is not affiliated with Foreside Fund Services, LLC.


For more information on Timothy Plan, visit timothyplan.com or connect on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, InstagramPinterest, Vimeo or YouTube.

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