Dee Barker

Have you ever been watching your favorite TV program when, out of nowhere and with
no warning, a very loud and annoying noise comes across your screen, with an
announcement by the Emergency Broadcast System that they are running a test for the
next several seconds? They do not give you a choice to “opt out” of the test; they just
run it.

Life is exactly like this. Tests come with no warning, and we are not given a choice to
not participate. One day you go to work with the company you have given 20 years of
your life to, and when you walk in, with no warning and no choice, they hand you your
blue slip. Or you go to the doctor for a routine checkup, and they come back with a
negative report. You weren’t given an opportunity to “opt out” of the setback.
Trials are unavoidable, but God has given us the strength and fortitude we need to
ENDURE with passion and determination. Life slows down for nothing or no one, so
how do we, as a child of God, handle these situations? How do we “let go of every
wound that has pierced us” (Hebrews 12:1, TPT)? How can we turn a setback to a

1. IDENTIFY THE JOY. James 1:2-4 (TPT) says, “My fellow believers, when it
seems as though you are facing nothing but difficulties see it as an invaluable
opportunity to experience the greatest joy that you can! For you know that when
your faith is tested it stirs up power within you to ENDURE all things.” When trials
come, we can be assured there is a greater glory and promotion on the other
side. We are not called to bury our head in the sand and ignore the setbacks, but
we are to identify the joy, and allow the trial to mature and develop inner peace in

2. ASK FOR WISDOM. God never intended for us to go through trials without His
help, but He wants us to ask for His help. James 1:5 (NIV) says, “If any of you
lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding
fault, and it will be given to you.” If we ask, He will give us the roadmap of
directions needed to safely navigate through the setback and watch Him turn it
for our good.

3. GIVE A SHOUT OF PRAISE. Praise is one of the greatest weapons we have;
praise gets the attention of God and causes Him to move on our behalf. In 2
Chronicles 20, we read where King Jehoshaphat told his people to sing praises
to God when the day of battle came. As they started to praise, God set
ambushes against their enemies. The enemies were defeated without them
fighting the battle, just like God had promised them. Use your weapon of praise!
God is raising up a people that will ENDURE and keep a laser-beam focus on the
promise of God for their lives. ENDURANCE is key to breaking through seasons when

we go through setbacks, and feel we are being unproductive; ENDURANCE positions
us to walk in a realm of miracles where anything is possible!

Dee Barker

Abundant TV