Dr. Gregory Jantz Discusses Overcoming Fear, Stress, Worry, Panic and More with His Latest Book ‘The Anxiety Reset’

EDMONDS, Wash., 40 million. That is the number of adults in the United States that are affected by anxiety disorders, according to Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA). However, most of them are not currently receiving treatment. The ADAA reports that fewer than 40% of those suffering receive treatment. Seeking treatment is often a painful and arduous task, one that can be highly discouraging. Dr. Gregory Jantz is an acclaimed mental health expert that has written the book The Anxiety Reset: A Life-Changing Approach to Overcoming Fear, Stress, Worry, Panic Attacks, OCD and More to bring joy and peace back into these millions of lives where it has long been depleted.

Anxiety can range from occasional to debilitating. Anxiety disorders have their own complex set of risk factors, including genetics, brain chemistry, personality, and life events. With The Anxiety Reset, readers can take heart that no matter the cause of their suffering, they will find the guidance needed to finally break free from the confines these disorders so often put them in.

Through a combination of the latest scientific research, real stories and practical strategies, The Anxiety Reset empowers its readers to understand and overcome the fears that hold them back. Dr. Jantz emancipates readers from their anxieties and does so through a personalized approach. Accomplishing a personalized approach, unique to each reader, is a nuanced undertaking, but Dr. Jantz does so beautifully in various ways. Firstly, he connects with readers with unmistakable tones of compassion throughout The Anxiety Reset. When a person pained with anxiety takes the courageous initial step to seek help, they deserve an empathetic response, and Dr. Jantz understands that completely. Next, The Anxiety Reset will help the reader understand more about themselves, including their specific anxiety type and triggers. Included in these triggers could also be hidden causes and catalysts of said anxiety. Further, in the personalized approach, the reader will learn about the pros and cons of meditation to determine whether it is right for them or not. All aforementioned parts will lead to the reader discovering how to get started on a personal anxiety reset plan.

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