Discern the Prophetic, Interpret Current Events, Understand God’s Actions, and Recognize Truth by Attending the Most Anticipated Prophetic Training Event of the Year

TULSA – Dr. Paula Price, the bestselling author of The Prophet’s Dictionary and Prophet’s Handbook, invites all Christians who are interested in current events and God’s plans for the world to gather at the Prophetic Training Institute in Tulsa on June 16-19. Attendees will learn how to discern current events and prophecies as well as how to sharpen individual prophetic gifts.


“God started everything in scripture with a prophet, and he does the same today,” Dr. Price states. “This conference is for people who want to understand God’s actions in the world, to know where we’ve been, what went wrong, how we’re going to get through it, and what your part is in God’s plan.”


In the midst of confusing headlines and unfounded conspiracy theories, Dr. Price and a host of prophetic speakers will teach you how to recognize true and false prophecies. They will reveal answers from God’s actions and intents yesterday, and help you find your prophetic self to find your place in what God is doing tomorrow.


“God needs His people to get in step with what He’s doing in the world today,” Dr. Price states. “To be part of the new wave of God in the world, you have to become prepared for God’s future, knowing when God is talking to you. We need prophesying, prophecies, and prophesiers to follow divine communications, and understand the difference between prophecy and divination.”


The Prophetic Institute is open to all interested Christians and also features a Youth Conference where young people can prepare to be utilized in God’s future. Special guest speakers include prophetic teachers C. T. Johnson, Elizabeth Tiam-Fook, and Tala Price.


Official ceremonies begin at 7 PM on Wednesday, June 16 and will end Saturday, June 19. An optional bonus post-event lunch is available with Dr. Price and speakers attending.


The event will be held 25 minutes from the Tulsa airport and registration is simple. The most affordable way to attend the Tulsa Prophetic Training Institute is to build a group of 5 or more, for registration at $89 per person. Individual registration is $150. Registration is now open at https://www.drpaulaaprice.com/events.

Abundant TV