Caught In The Middle – Caleb Stanton

Just like every other musician, there are many different artists who have inspired me and even influenced my writing and musical style. TobyMac, Matthew West, Owl City, and Ben Rector are just a few of them. With that, however, I have tried to create something that is completely my own. And as I write more and more, I continue to better understand where I fit in within this crazy world that is music. One thing that drives me nuts about the music world is the disconnect between the songwriter or musician and the listeners/fans/audience! You know what I mean? You got to know me a little bit here, now I want to get to know you! I’d love it if you’d send me a message on Instagram or Facebook and tell me a bit about yourself. Anything you want to tell me! Oh, and my handle is @CalebStantonMusic 🙂

Catch Caleb On Our 24 /7 Live Station And Check Out The Video Here


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