The Lord Is Good | Brandon Pylant
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“…the goodness of God endureth continually.” Psalm 52:1b Listening to someone this week talk about the “inherent goodness of God”, my mind kept coming back to that word… “inherent.” I thought had a pretty good grasp of its meaning but… Continue Reading
Cut Out the Cut-ins Hollywood actress found dead…suicide. Athlete suspected of homicide. Father kills wife and two children. These are all real headlines from last week. We look at this and think, What is this world coming to? as I… Continue Reading
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Abundance of Grace – Get Up from iDex Media on Vimeo. Find Stephen McCrary Here Find Abundant TV On Facebook Here
Remember back in the day when there were no cell phones and you and your brother would literally fight over the home phone? Remember how you had to lock yourself in the bathroom just to be able to get 5… Continue Reading
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