Sooooo true. Anybody you talk to that has had a hard past, will tell you that they had to hit rock bottom in order to see that God was the only way out.
We as not only Christians but humans, tend to want to do everything on our own. We get ourselves in a pickle, and we think we know our way out, but then it just keeps getting bigger and bigger. We only make the situation worst.
There was a point in my life where I was 28 years old, and had been divorced twice. I was so ashamed and embarrassed. I had continued on the family curse of multiple marriages AND divorces. I felt that was it for me. God would never use me and I was going to be single forever because that’s what I deserved. I struggled. A lot. Everything I tried to pick myself back up, I fell even harder and it became a vicious cycle. I was chasing after any boy that would give me attention or wouldn’t. That made me chase even harder. I was seeking attention in all the wrong places and finally came to the realization that I was never going to find what I was looking for in man.
God is the only one that can help us find our true identity, because it is in Him. When i finally learned that my choices in my past didn’t define me, and that I didn’t have to be held in bondage, I was able to let God pull me out.
Friends, don’t think that because you are at rock bottom that there is no hope. This means that God is about to pull you out, if you just let Him.
Have a great Day……Carrie On.