Care Net Introduces Brand-New ‘Making Life Disciples’ Curriculum

LANSDOWNE, VA — Care Net launched ‘Making Life Disciples 2.0′ to serve as a pro-life resource in local churches across the country. The 12-session discipleship course provides the Church with tools and training to help women and men at risk for abortion. Each lesson is designed to prepare the Church to offer compassion, hope, and help while encouraging churchgoers to stand up for unborn lives in their communities.

‘Making Life Disciples 2.0′ is a practical, non-political basic training that equips groups of first responders in a church or parish to bring help and hope to desperate, life-threatening situations. Teams of people are trained to help women and men facing unplanned pregnancy decisions—letting them know that they are not alone and they are supported by the Church.

“Women facing unplanned pregnancies typically make decisions for the life of their unborn children based on the physical, emotional, spiritual, and social support available to them. The Church must take a stand and come alongside these individuals,” said Roland Warren, president and CEO of Care Net. “It is critical for the Church to get involved in the lives of these vulnerable individuals. This discipleship course trains church members on how to provide life-saving support to families for the long-term.”

The curriculum includes a participant’s guide and access to streaming content on topics like the sanctity of human life, crisis intervention, serving the mother and father, pregnancy and abortion education, the importance of evangelism, and more, combined with discussion questions and experiential learning exercises. Each 1-hour session is designed to move church members beyond inspiration to implementation. Indeed, even while they are still taking the course, individuals are already taking practical steps to strengthen the connection between the vital mission work of local pregnancy centers and the family strengthening and discipleship efforts of their church.

To date, Care Net has equipped nearly  3,000 churches and other life-affirming organizations in the ‘Making Life Disciples’ training program, and the updated curriculum will bring new opportunities for the Church to come alongside women and men making decisions for the lives of unborn children.

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