“The Breaker [the Messiah] will go up before them. They will break through, pass in through
the gate and go out through it, and their King will pass on before them, the Lord at their head”
(Micah 2:13, AMPC).

The Spirit of the Lord has been impressing so strongly to my spirit that we are in a season of
acceleration and breakthroughs that will happen overnight. We will go to bed feeling the
pressure of the world sitting on our chest and wake up the next morning breathing freshness
of life, with God’s peace literally consuming every fiber of our being.
The enemy does all he can to come and steal the word of the Lord. To discourage us. To rob
us of the prophetic promise. To weaken our walk of faith. I want to encourage you to not lose
heart. Climb up into the spirit realm and see your victory. Begin to walk like, talk like, and act
like, you already have your breakthrough.

Romans 4:17, KJV, says, “…and calleth those things which be not as though they were.” The
Message translation says that Abraham dared to trust God “to do what only He could do:
raise the dead to life, with a word make something out of nothing.” I love that … “with a word
make something out of nothing.” This is the power God has given us. We have the power to
speak our breakthrough into existence!

Just today, as I write this devotional, I received a call from a very influential individual. When I
hung up speaking with them, I said, “Lord, that is only something You could have
orchestrated.” This person even said, “I know a lot of people I could have called, but you are
the only one I wanted to call.” I sense happenings such as this are going to become more,
and more, the norm. When God says, “now is the time,” no devil in hell can stop what He has
orchestrated, and released from Heaven, for your life.

Expect for your phone to ring … expect to get that email that will change everything … expect
the door to open …expect a divine reversal of what was sent to take you out. The Breaker
has gone before you, breaking up the fallow ground. He is making crooked paths straight and
making the rough places smooth.

With these overnight breakthroughs, the Spirit of the Lord is doing a deep, emotional healing
from past hurts and disappointments. When life happens, it doesn’t slow down for us to take
time to heal, it keeps moving full steam ahead; and many times, because we don’t force
ourselves to stop to take time to be healed, we become calloused and numb to reality.
Because of your heart of surrender, and your desire to be all God has called you to be, He is
pouring His healing balm into your broken places, and you will experience overnight
breakthroughs in areas that have held you in bondage for years. This is your season of
overnight breakthroughs.
Dee Barker

Abundant TV