We Should’ve Been Talking! | Kim Crabill

“We Should’ve Been Talking!” One of the greatest hindrances to our spiritual health, I believe, is the refrain “what will they think?” And “they” is not “the world.”

Our perceived threat of rejection comes from those who sit with us in church and in Bible study, those we call friends.   I recall the day (more than 20 years ago) I first shared with a group of my friends some issues I was sure would send them running. Though I may have appeared “together” as their women’s ministry leader,

I was about to expose my secret pain of anorexia, anxiety attacks, and more. And this is what I learned: My friends cared more deeply for me after I shared. Those things I had tried so desperately to keep hidden were the very things God used to give my friends the freedom to share their fears and worries.   On a popular TV show, one depressed person looked at the other and said, “We should have been talking.” This is the message for today: We should be talking! Proverbs 12:25 says, “A fearful heart weighs a man down.”

What are you weighed down by this morning? What scares you most about sharing those burdens with another person? Ask God whom He wants you to talk with. You can be certain He has someone in mind. Will you run toward that opportunity?  

Blessings, Kim

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