The State of the Church Today: Missing Opportunities and Focusing on Minors

The State of the Church Today: Missing Opportunities and Focusing on MinorsChurch Today
By Kristen Stanton

I am truly appalled at the state of the church today. We are majoring on minors, we are openly bashing other ministries from the pulpit, we are missing opportunities to pull people in and make them feel like part of the family. Why? Because it doesn’t fit our agenda. Because they don’t think the same way we do. Maybe we cannot see what God sees. And we certainly do not know what God knows.

Evil is evil… and it’s everywhere. It tried to take out the former President of the United States. Evil was rampant in people on social media saying that it was too bad the shooter missed. Evil is the verbal wars Christians are waging on each other.

I’m wondering why any pastor would choose to miss an amazing opportunity on Sunday to not speak about what happened? Now more than ever we need to be vigilant. We need to fight. Our battle is not against flesh and blood… and so we are more equipped than anyone to fight this spiritual battle.

And I’m equally appalled at some of the comments “pastors” were making about someone who spoke at the RNC tonight. You may not like her and that’s fine. Keep it to yourself. She wasn’t standing on a church platform but a platform to tell her story. Jesus most certainly would not have acted that way.
It’s time to decide if you are a defender of truth or if you are a pawn of Satan who is seeking to steal, kill, and destroy… freedom, hopes, dreams, family, faith, finances…fill in the blank. I’m thankful that God said He has given us life… and life more abundantly.


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